Dear Families of Williamsburg Northside Schools,

Our names are Jade McLachlan and Ali Karshan, and we are delighted to introduce ourselves as co-Presidents of the WNS Parent Association (PA) following last week’s election at the first PA meeting of the year!  We each have two children at WNS. This is the 7th year at WNS for Jade’s family, whose daughter is a 2nd grader and son a Kindergartner. Ali’s eldest daughter started at WNS 5 years ago and is now in the 1st grade and her youngest is in pre-Kindergarten.

The PA of WNS has always been a group of dedicated parents who passionately believe in our school, and it has accomplished significant successes ever since the wonderful preschool evolved into an inspiring and compelling Lower School, Preschool, and Infant and Toddler Center combined. In particular, we are enormously grateful to our predecessor, Beth Cronk, and look forward to continuing where she left off as President.

We are confident that this year will see some great leaps for WNS, and the PA will continue to support its journey wholeheartedly. As the school has grown, and continues to grow, so does the responsibility of the PA to ensure that we do all we can to rise to the occasion. As co-Presidents, we want to facilitate strong channels of communication and collaboration in all that we do together in the PA, and we would like to encourage parents to come along to our monthly meetings to participate. At the first upcoming meeting following the election, we will discuss the PA’s mission and purpose, the committees and membership, and the plan for the year ahead. Subsequent meetings will be the chance to discuss and arrange PA events and to talk about important parent-related school issues. We would also like when possible to have opportunities for presentations on topics related to our school, its philosophy, and the well-being of our children. The meetings give us the chance to connect with one another, and stay informed and active about our kids’ education and school experience.

Traditionally, parents of the school have contributed in countless ways through volunteer dedication, efforts, and time. But we always need parents who are willing to help out, and there will be many opportunities in the various planned committees to get involved. The parent community at WNS has a richly diverse background on whose skills, knowledge, expertise, and interests we rely. So, we really encourage you to share your time, talents and most importantly, your enthusiasm and passion for our amazing school.

With the exception of the next meeting, PA meetings will usually take place on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the 299 North 7th campus. Some meetings will be WNS-wide; sometimes, if necessary and depending on campus-specific issues, we will separate in different spaces within the buildings (at the same time). Meetings are planned to last one hour with a planned agenda. Please save the date for the next meeting on November 12th. Once again, we warmly welcome all parents – so do join! If you have any questions about the PA and volunteering, please email wnpa@willnorth.org, and we will respond as soon as possible.

Wishing you and your families a terrific year ahead!

Jade & Ali
Fall 2014