Cleaning Protocol for Williamsburg Northside Schools

Children’s responsibilities

Pick up after themselves in the classroom, cafeteria and bathrooms, as is developmentally appropriate depending on each child.  For example, picking up their toys/materials at the end of an activity in some ITC older classes and in the Preschool    Picking up paper towels used in the bathroom and dropped food from the floor in the Preschool and earlier years of the Lower School.  The LS children, especially older children, should be helping to set up and clear the tables of silverware, cups, and packing up their lunch boxes.

Adults’ responsibilities: Teachers and Parents

Teachers will be asking children to do the above tasks promoting independence and responsibility in the context of the classroom as appropriate.  We would also ask that parents support that growth and sense of responsibility at home.

Maintenance staff responsibilities, except where classroom staff are specifically mentioned

Bathrooms at all Campuses

• Bathrooms are cleaned during mid-day (11-1)
• Bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected thoroughly every night


• After lunch, Cafeteria/Kitchens are broom cleaned and spot mopped.
• At night, thoroughly cleaned and mopped (including tables and counter surfaces)
• Weekly, there is a deep clean of each kitchen

Garbage Cans

• At ITC, garbage is removed and liners are replaced at least twice during the day
• At all campuses, garbage is removed in the evening; if garbage removal is needed during the day it is done.

Stairwells, Hallways and Classrooms

• All are swept and mopped each night
• Classroom Staff clean and sanitize classroom surfaces as needed during the day
• Classroom Staff of children who might still be mouthing toys, place toys in bins for mouthed toys and sanitize them at the end of the day

Cleaning and general protocol when there is illness in a classroom

• Children are separated from their classmates, either in another part of their classroom or in another room
• Hand washing protocols are reinforced
• The classroom is cleaned as soon as possible
• The evening cleaning crew does a deep clean and disinfection of the room, bathroom and hallways
• Of course, your vigilance as it relate your children’s hand washing habits are appreciated, as that is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of illness. Please wash your children’s hands when you arrive from outside in the morning and please make sure you do not bring them to school when they are contagious. Guidelines can be found in your Parent Handbook.