Thank you for your interest in becoming a Class Parent!
Becoming a Class Parent is a great way to get to know other parents at the school; assist the PA with annual fundraising; help your teacher with classroom activities; and have a powerful voice within the PA.
What does a Class Parent do?
The Class Parent acts as the liaison between his or her class members, the WNS Administration and the WNS Parent Association. Becoming a Class Parent is a great way to have a powerful voice within the PA and the school and to get to know other parents within the Northside Community.
As Class Parent, you will:
Attend one monthly PA meeting, or rally a substitute if you can’t make it, to be a voice for your class.
Meet with the school administration periodically to represent your class, communicate any concerns, and provide input when needed.
Communicate relevant information to fellow parents such as: play dates, classroom potlucks, teacher and administration gift-giving policies, volunteer opportunities, teacher appreciation day, and other class or campus events.
Coordinate a donation from your class for the annual spring fundraiser, and communicate volunteer opportunities for that event.
What is the Time Commitment?
The WNS PA Parent Coordinator makes every effort to facilitate all Class Parent efforts and minimize time commitment. Most months, the role consists of sending out a few guided emails and attending a one-hour PA meeting. In February and early March, the time commitment increases as the community makes a push during the Annual Spring Gala + Auction fundraiser. Signing up with a friend or partner to share the responsibility can reduce the time commitment.
What is the Class Parent nomination process?
Any parent or guardian at WNS can volunteer to serve as Class Parent! The position is given to the first individual or team to sign up. If a second volunteer comes forward, the PA Class Parent Coordinator will ask the volunteer if they are interested in sharing the role.
Have more questions? Please email the Parent Association at